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Injuries to the deepest layer of skin called the dermis results in healing that causes fibrous tissue called a scar.

Scars vary between individuals and also depends on the cause of the scar and the healing associated with it.

Surgical scars often are the best in appearance and those relating to injuries especially in areas that are cosmetically sensitive give a less desirable appearance.



Injuries to the deepest layer of skin called the dermis results in healing that causes fibrous tissue called a scar.

Scars vary between individuals and also depends on the cause of the scar and the healing associated with it.

Surgical scars often are the best in appearance and those relating to injuries especially in areas that are cosmetically sensitive give a less desirable appearance.

Common problems with scars include:

  • Pigmentation, where the scar becomes darker to the surrounding skin
  • Stretched, where the scar becomes wider and thinner due to tension
  • Keloid, where the healing process is excessive and forms thicker tough scars beyond the original injury
  • Hypertrophic, where the healing process is excessive and forms thicker tough scars beyond the original injury
  • Atrophic, where the scar tissues dips and causes a depression

Scar assessment is very individual and the treatment is therefore planned on a patient to patient basis. Treatment ranges from allowing the scar to naturally improve and doing nothing to topical treatments using silicone, steroid injections, resurfacing with energy based devices and removing the scar surgically.

It is important to note at scars in every patients from any surgery take approximately 18 months to reach there final appearance.

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